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Thera Cane is a self massager used to apply pressure to sore muscles. The unique design of the Thera Cane lets you apply deep pressure massage to hard to reach areas of your body on your own.
POSITION YOUR HANDS AND CANE as shown in illustration #1, with the ball in place on top of your shoulder. Next, push both your hands straight down while at the same time pushing outward with your right hand 1 to 2 inches. Your left arm is held in close to your side and remains motionless. Once sufficient pressure is attained move your left arm back and forth so the applicator ball, along with your skin, slides across the muscle. This pressure should be contained within an area the size of a quarter. The more concentrated the pressure, the more effective the response. Now look at illustration #2. By resting your forearm on the upper handle you are able to relax your left arm muscles and achieve the same pressure. Proper leverage reduces excessive hand and arm movement and makes the Thera Cane easier to use. The technique of using leverage is easy to learn after some practice. Be patient and follow the illustrations and instructions.
KEEP THE BALL IN CONTACT WITH YOUR BODY in order to maintain control of the Thera Cane and prevent it from slipping off the muscle. You will have control when your skin is depressed enough from the pressure to follow the movement of the ball across the muscle.
BEGIN WITH LIGHT PRESSURE and short periods of use as your muscles will require a breaking in period. A few minutes work on one or two troublesome points is sufficient. People enjoy using the Thera Cane so much that they tend to overdo it at first. If you do you may temporarily hurt more than you did to begin with. This added discomfort will go away after a restful sleep and certainly within 12-36 hours. The following day it will be helpful and soothing to work on the same area using a lighter touch. In addition, gentle stretching, an ice pack or perhaps a hot bath will make you feel better. With experience you will be able to use more pressure and enjoy extended periods of use.
Prior to using the Thera Cane, stretch your muscles to help in locating areas of tenderness. When using the Thera Cane try to place a stretch on the muscle you are applying pressure to. This will assist you in defining the specific area of tenderness in the muscle. Also, soaking in a hot bath before using the Cane will allow deeper pressure without the residual soreness.
BY USING THE THERA CANE from the three basic positions (standing, sitting and lying down), for one particular point, you are able to access the muscle from the most angles possible. This thorough approach will increase the likelihood of obtaining the proper angle of penetration to relieve the trigger point.
THE LEVEL OF PRESSURE WILL DEPEND upon the application. For example, back muscles need more pressure than forearm muscles. A level of pressure midway between painful and pleasurable (“hurts so good”) is suggested after the breaking in period. Apply pressure gradually increasing it as you work the ball into the muscle. If the tenderness decreases while pressing, press harder or move the ball slightly to relocate the most sensitive part of the trigger point. If a muscle is extra tender, work on the surrounding area before zeroing in on the more sensitive spot.
- While applying adequate pressure slowly move the ball back and forth across the trigger point. A gentle wiggle helps to burrow into the muscle.
- Press directly on the trigger point and hold for five to ten seconds, release and repeat a few times. It is advisable to avoid this technique for the front and side of the neck muscles since this area is very easy to overdue (use your fingers for these areas). This method is more suited for areas of thick muscle mass and only after becoming familiar with your own pressure limits.
- A systematic approach regardless of the technique used will heighten your awareness and give you the best results.
THE THERA CANE WAS DEVELOPED by a chronic pain patient to help relieve his own discomfort resulting from neck surgery and a herniated disc in his back. By using the Thera Cane along with a daily stretching routine he has obtained long lasting relief.